Senior Pathways
Whether you are planning to start a career, or continue your education, start the process early in the summer before your senior year. You have worked hard to get to this point. Take advantage of the resources available to help you make that next step.
- Plan your job search strategy. Continue your search for full-time employment early in the fall semester even if you are graduating the following spring or summer. Peak seasons for college recruiting are September/October and February/March, but some companies do all of their hiring in the fall. Don’t miss out on any opportunities.
- Expand your professional wardrobe for interviews. Most jobs require at least two interviews and company visits may be more than one day. Plan your wardrobe with interchangeable pieces that travel well.
- Attend ASU, Fulton Schools of Engineering, outside career fairs and other networking events, including through Fulton professional clubs and organizations. Companies that recruit on campus are looking for ASU graduates and frequently alumni are part of the recruiting team. Take advantage of these events to learn more about individual companies and expand your network.
- Refine and update your resume and upload it to Handshake.
- Review Handshake at least once a week and apply to positions in a timely manner. New opportunities are added daily, so set up search agents so that you will be alerted immediately.
- Revise and practice your 30-second commercial. It needs to be natural and convincing, so practice!
- Practice Behavioral Interviewing. Attend practice workshops or arrange for a mock interview with a career coach.
- Communicate with your Network and let everyone know the kind of opportunity you are seeking. Talk to everyone you know. Someone may know of an opportunity or a person who can help you make a valuable connection.
- Thoroughly prepare for every interview you have and follow up with the appropriate correspondence. Put the same time and energy into interview preparation that you would give to a final exam. Research and prepare questions.
- Attend the Salary Negotiation Workshop. Learn what to look for when evaluating a job offer and how to ask questions and express concerns.
- Evaluate and compare job offers carefully. Use materials from the Salary Negotiation Workshop.
- Accept the position with the best fit for your goals and notify all other employers with whom you have interviewed that you are withdrawing from further consideration.
- Start the application process for graduate and professional schools early in the year. Research programs and make a list of deadlines. Be sure that you have allowed adequate time for writing and reviewing your personal statements. Have several people give you feedback and check for errors.
- Complete the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering Employment Survey to report your new position. This information is helpful for future students, program units and employers. As the ranking, prestige and reputation of Fulton Engineering continues to improve, so does the value of your degree.
Go to pathway guides for:
Freshmen – Sophomores – Juniors