Internship & Job Search

Beware of Scam Employers

Didn’t apply? Company name or domain is off? Can’t find the person on LinkedIn or in a search? Skills don’t align? No interview with a person? Check issued or your bank account requested before starting? Pay for their training? Promise of work sponsorship? Threat to call the police/immigration if you don’t take their job?

Put your excitement on pause. Review a list of common potential scams in hiring practices.

Co-op/Internship Considerations

Considering a co-op, internship, or other opportunities where you might take a regular semester off from classes or a reduced course load? Review things to consider.


Handshake is ASU’s university-wide posting system connecting employers that are seeking ASU students.

Job Search Tools & Strategies

Learn about the most popular job search tools and strategies.

Career Fairs

View ASU and other Career Fairs.


View company information sessions and competitions on-campus, at their site and virtual.


Use GoinGlobal to find US and international opportunities, research companies that in the past have applied for H1B visas and more.

Other Resources


View resources that let students know the benefits of a LinkedIn profile and presence, and to help them get started.

Student Clubs

Browse ASU Fulton student clubs.

Professional Organizations

View a list of professional organizations by state.

Mergent Intellect

Accessible via ASU library>research databases>advanced search, for some smaller companies that might not advertise on job boards.

Job/Internship Application Tracking

Organize your job/internship application search.